
Personality development

Cohesive Devices

Cohesive devices are useful English language conjunctions, transitional phrases, synonyms and pronouns that express ideas in a cohesive manner.They are used to join sentences together to make ideas more understandable to the reader. Coordinating, subordinating and correlative conjunctions are the most used cohesive devices and are used to connect ideas for cohesive, readable text.

The Weather – English Vocabulary

Here are words used to describe the weather from stormy days to beautiful sunny days on the beach. Words are categorized into different sections.  Speaking about the weather is important for small talk, and used to make predictions about the weather.

British V/S American

Given the amount of places around the world that English is spoken, various differences are bound to emerge. Despite how much the USA and UK have in common, there are enough differences between their two versions of the English language that someone may not always understand exactly what someone from the other country is saying. …

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Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are used to show possession or ownership of something. While we use them when we refer to people, it is more in the sense of relationship than ownership. The possessive adjective needs to agree with the possessor and not with the thing that is possessed. The possessive adjectives in English are as follows.

Can – Could

The main ways in which the verb can is used are given below. In some cases, couldfunctions as the past tense of can, but there are some important usage differences between the two.